Well, hello. As suggested by my previous post (which was oh so long ago!), I have been very busy with my new job. Unfortunately, this means I have been neglecting you, my dear reader.
I am currently in the midst of teaching a 3-part basketry class with the Evergreen School District. My first official basketry class! It has thus far been an exciting and valuable learning experience. It has also given me some food for thought and ideas about how I should structure my classes in the future.
For example, I now intend to bring basket starts along with me for any short (1-hour) class. If there are subsequent short classes, I may consider starting them on the bottoms the next time. This would be after they get a hang of the basic motions. I also want to come up with some sort of useful handout. Unfortunately, since this is a very hands-on type activity, that may not work very well.
I am also back to work trying to get my website up and running. If I do, my blog will likely move over there so I have everything in one place (less easy to forget!). I will keep you posted. For now, feel free to pop in every once in a while for updates.
I hope you all are taking care, and staying inspired.
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